General Info
The West End High is an English medium Co-educational high school , affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certiflcate Examinations( ICSE) sponsored by the registered non-government organizatton namely Women in Social Action (WSA).
It has well-organised and skilled personnel in its team of administration.
Teaching staff consist of highly experienced and professionally trained persons who have vouched to impart education in qualitative and competitive manner to the children irrespective of caste creed and religion.
The school has provision forteaching various subjects included in the course of studies of the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations , New Delhi. It provides physical and instructional facilities in games and sports and other cocurriculum activities in such a manner that its aim to make it an ideal institution of National Standard is gracefully achieved. .
The school takes the responsibility to make the students responsive to needs of the society by instilling virfues in their minds so that they can cope with hurdles in their future life as disciplined citizens .
'Learn to Live and Learn to give' being the motto of the school is well signified , thus helping each child to grow in to a full-fledged human being in terms of both profession and socialization.